“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” It is an old saying that continues to have relevance but can also be misleading when the beholder’s eye is not realistic. Such is the case with individuals who suffer from body dysmorphia. It is one thing to look in the mirror and not be pleased with what you see. It is an entirely different matter when you look into the mirror and desire to change your appearance drastically from realistic norms.
Change Can Be Good
Up to a point, change can be good. There is nothing wrong with desiring to get rid of wrinkles or contouring your face to have a more youthful and vibrant look. Plumping up lips that have thinned over the years is also reasonable. In fact, many procedures can enhance the appearance of women and men to help them look better.
Unfortunately, not all change is beneficial. Recently, a disturbing trend has been developing that goes beyond the traditional and natural aesthetic of enhancing a person’s appearance. Certain extreme procedures are becoming normalized. These procedures produce an unnatural look; yet, they are becoming popular.
The Alienized Look
The standard of beauty will change throughout the years. For example, a thin straight nose was once considered the ideal. All types of individuals endured nose jobs to get that look. When more ethnic noses became popular, many individuals returned to the plastic surgeon to have their nose returned to its original shape.
Currently, there is a growing trend to stretch the boundaries of normal facial features, which can lead to an alienized look. The Russian Lip technique is a controversial procedure in which the lips are injected with filler to the extent that they produce a tented look with very prominent, crisp borders. Another procedure enhances cheekbones beyond the normal aesthetic. Abnormally high-winged eyebrows are yet another example of the extreme changes that some individuals are requesting.
Practitioners of facial plastic surgery are highly concerned about the consequences of such procedures because they often produce a grossly altered appearance, which some doctors are calling an alienized look.
The Long-Term Consequences
An overabundance of dermal fillers and botulinum toxin may have detrimental effects in the long term, especially where younger patients are concerned. It is reasonable to restore and enhance an individual’s natural anatomy to produce a more youthful and rested look. Unfortunately, these extreme looks are often equated with fame and fortune. In reality, these excessive procedures can backfire in the long run and leave the individual looking weird.
Well-trained plastic surgeons like Dr. Stong of Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery have a growing concern for patients who seek out extreme changes and caution against such procedures. They understand the anatomy of the face and the aesthetics of a natural look and seek to help patients look their best.
Unfortunately, for some individuals who insist on the extreme, there is a quote from Catherin Aird that may be fitting, “If you can’t be a good example, you’ll just have to be a horrible warning.”