Did you know you can surgically lift your eyes in our office? An upper blepharoplasty eye lift can be performed under local anesthesia resulting in little to no pain or discomfort. The surgery is ideal for those who have excess skin or drooping eyelids. Typical complaints from those seeking an eye lift are “people always ask me if I’m tired,” “I have trouble applying my eye shadow and eyeliner,” or “my eyelids have dropped and are affecting my vision.” An upper blepharoplasty can be very beneficial in addressing any of these issues.
As we age, our skin and muscles develop laxity which creates a heaviness of the eyelids that can rest on the upper eyelashes and sometimes obstruct vision. An upper belpharoplasy can restore normalcy to an eyelid that has been altered by age related changes. If vision impairment is present, the procedure may be considered “functional” and portions may be covered under insurance.
During an upper blepharoplasty surgery, local anesthetic drops are placed in the eyes and a local injection is administered to numb the area. The excess skin, muscle and fat are carefully outlined and an incision is made around the natural eye crease. The excess tissue is then removed without eye discomfort or damaging eyelid function. Patients who seek an eye lift to solely restore a youthful appearance to eyes are pleased they can undergo a cosmetic surgery without the hassle of an operating room.
After surgery, bruising and swelling are normal for the first week. Stitches are removed after about four or five days and patients can expect to return to their normal activities after two weeks. Very few patients complain about pain after their surgery, but if occurs, can be easily managed with pain medication.
It is always important to choose a dual board certified facial plastic surgeon when deciding to undergo facial plastic surgery. Be sure to thoroughly discuss your expectations with your surgeon so you can receive the best possible outcome.