If you ask around, most men won’t admit to needing or thinking about plastic surgery. They may feel somewhat embarrassed about taking pride in their appearance or wanting to look a little younger. Some people may call it vanity, but at Kalos, we just call it self care! There’s nothing at all wrong with wanting to feel more confident in your own body, especially if you’re a man.
There are a number of reasons that a man may want plastic surgery, but we have found at Kalos, most men are looking for a way to slow the progression of time as it marches across their features. Chin implants, neck lifts, noses and eyes; there’s nothing wrong with touching up the face to and a prominent, youthful glow.
When Is The Best Time?
Many men wait until their spouse or significant other has a procedure and then find that they want to polish their own look as well. But the honest answer is that the best time is when it is right for you. When you are tired of seeing your neck droop, your chin fall flat and weak under a narrow lip line, when you can’t see well because there is so much sag from your eyes. Whenever you come to the decision that plastic or cosmetic surgery is the right option for you, that is the right time.
Make an appointment to meet with Dr. Ben Stong to determine which procedure will be best for you to help you regain a younger, stronger look. You’ll be glad that you did.