Making the decision to undergo a cosmetic procedure is a big one, and before deciding on whether or not facial plastic surgery is right for you, consider some of these questions.
Do you have a chronic health condition? If you’re currently living with a health problem such as diabetes, heart disease or high blood pressure, it’s important to consult with your primary care physician before having plastic surgery.
Are you overweight or a smoker? Smoking and obesity can increase the risk of certain complications, depending on the type of procedure you undergo. Discuss these with your plastic surgeon and healthcare team before making any final decisions, as they may recommend lifestyle changes.
Are your expectations realistic? During your initial consultation, your surgeon will let your know what to expect in terms of the results of the procedure. Use this time to clear up any questions or concerns, to help ensure that you’re happy with the outcome.
Do you have a healthy sense of self-esteem? Facial plastic surgery is great way to boost your self-confidence and improve your appearance. But it isn’t a magic cure all if you genuinely suffer from low self-esteem, or a low sense of self that stems from underlying issues. These should be addressed prior to undergoing surgery, so that you can get the most out of your procedure.