If you are like most people, you have the desire to keep your youthful looks for as long as possible. Exercising to keep your body fit, getting adequate sleep, eating healthy foods to nourish your body from the inside out, hydrating to keep cells plumped up and monitoring your time in the sun are factors in maintaining healthy skin. Still, nature takes its course and the body ages.
The Subtle Signs of Aging
It may surprise you to know that even with optimal care, your skin could show signs of aging as early as your late twenties or early thirties. Fine lines may start forming around the outside corners of your eyes or on your forehead.
Collagen and elastin are in abundance until about age 25. At this time, production of collagen begins to slow down. Every year it can slow by another 1%. These proteins are responsible for keeping your skin looking smooth and firm. Collagen provides your skin with structure and strength. The elastin in your skin gives it the elasticity to “snap back” when it is stretched or contracted. Aging decreases the elasticity of the skin.
Are You Ready for a Facelift?
Traditionally, facelifts were mostly sought after by women who had reached or finished menopause, around their 50s or 60s. It is during this age that changes were most noticeable and the desire for a more youthful look was high. One of the disadvantages of waiting until after menopause is the amount of work that is needed to restore a modicum of youthfulness in appearance.
There is now a trend in which younger people are seeking a facelift as a means of maintaining their looks. A customized plan is put in place which addresses your particular areas of concern. Fewer incisions are needed to maintain a rejuvenated look when the procedure is done early.
As with any procedure, many factors are considered. Your health, the amount of sun damage to your skin and environmental factors will have an impact on your readiness for a facelift. Dr. Stong can help you decide if an early facelift is right for you. Call today to schedule your consultation appointment and learn how you can maintain your youthful looks.