For those who are thinking about having lip injections done, perhaps they should take Hollywood’s multiple examples of what NOT to do. Duck lips are all the rage right now, but unfortunately for many celebrities, they are not a fad that people in the real world should follow. So many celebs have chosen to plump up their lips and have had very unattractive results. Whether they went to an inexperienced doctor, the procedure went wrong, or they asked for too much collagen — an excessive pout is all too common in Hollywood these days.
It appears that “duck lips” started when celebrities wanted to flash a semi sexy pose instead of flashing a smile for the camera. With a slight turn of the head, lift of one shoulder and puckered up lips, the fad started. Duck lips went from a semi seductive pose to a semi permanent facial expression.
Perhaps this is the greatest frustration with duck lips — they were not meant to be lasting. Yet, because so many celebrities started posing this way, duck lips are now seen everywhere. From young girls taking duck face selfies, to millions of women (and men) requesting lips injections, duck lips are everywhere these days.
While Dr. Stong at Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery LLC understands many people’s desires to keep up with the latest fads in what is beautiful, Dr. Stong also understands what makes a face beautiful. If you are interested in having fuller lips, you can trust Dr. Stong’s expertise at making your smile beautiful. Duck lips are not a lasting beauty trend, but Kalos is here to help you find a long lasting beauty element specifically for you.