Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery has a full line of services aimed at making you look beautiful, young and vibrant. But if you’re making these makeup mistakes, you could be working against your procedure.
For starters, stop sleeping in your makeup. It can hard to get motivated at the end of long day to wash your face and remove your makeup, but when you skip this important skincare step, you’re doing a huge disservice to your face. Makeup left on overnight gets impacted into your pores, making them appear larger. Overnight makeup also triggers inflammation, and can interrupt the collagen-building process that occurs while you’re sleeping. Combined, these all contribute to faster skin-aging.
Also, have you washed your application brushes, lately? Not washing your makeup brushes exposes your skin to pore clogging bacteria, germs, oil, dust, even dead skin cells – not a pretty sight! And when you dip a dirty brush into a product, you’re transferring all those germs right into your makeup. This means more clogged pores, acne breakouts, and skin irritation. In rare cases, it can also contribute to skin allergies. Aim to wash your face, eye, and cheek brushes around twice per month – or every other week. This quick and easy tutorial can show you how.
If you don’t already, make sure your makeup routine also includes applying sunscreen every day, even when it’s cloudy or cold out. Harmful UVA and UVB rays slip right through those clouds and reach our delicate skin, no matter what time of year it is. And nothing damages skin, causes wrinkles, or ages you quicker than repeated sun exposure. Your best bet is a broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen under your makeup, and a foundation or BB/CC cream with added sun protection. Don’t forget your lips, either! They age quicker than the surrounding skin, and need a little SPF love, too.